Sunday, November 15, 2015

Dear JES family and friends,
 On November 18th at 9AM,  there will be a special presentation for JES parents and guests entitled “Communicating with Our Kids - Helping Kids Decrease Stress and Anxiety. The talk will be in the JES Auditorium. Anxiety among our students has risen over the last few years. Come hear about steps you can take to help your child. There will also be a time for questions and answers. I hope you will join me at this informative presentation.

SERVICE - November's Character Trait
Our Core Essential character value for November is SERVICE which is defined as lending a helping hand to help someone else. We will be talking about SERVICE in guidance lessons. Service is an important character value that can easily be reinforce at home. When we work together our children make twice the progress.

We will be working on several service projects throughout the year to give our students opportunities to “give back”. Research shows that when children (and adults) give they get positive feelings that lead to a greater sense of self-worth. Giving promotes cooperation, social connections and gratitude. And research has found that gratitude is integral to happiness and health. Watch for opportunities for our students to get involved in the experience of giving.

All JES students are challenged to “earn” a dollar to donate to the Buckner Foundation which is being collected by the JES Choir. Thanks to all the children who have done an extra chore or had a bake sale to raise money to donate to these children in need. The money will be presented to the foundation during the winter holiday concert.

 ANGEL TREE Tradition at JES
Our traditional angel tree will be decorated in the front office before we leave on Thanksgiving Break. Each year, we have our own Angel Tree to provide for children at Johnson.  If you are able to help, I hope you will choose an angel and make it a family project of showing gratitude and compassion for those families at Johnson who can use our help.

The Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) and Iowa Test of Basic Skills (ITBS) was completed for second and fourth grade students. Make ups are complete. The results will be sent home around mid semester.

Thank you to Officer Jim Johnson for arranging the Southlake Firefighters’ visit.  The children heard key information about personal safety. It was a fun, informative day. Thank you to Jessica Colvin and Tracy Lenz for volunteering to assist. Has your family designated a location to meet outside of your house in case of fire? Ask your children about suggestions they heard.

As always, if I can assist you in any way, please email or call.

Kindest regards,

Ziba Johnston 
817 949 4500
 “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in service to others." Gandhi

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Dear  JES family and friends,

As we begin the second six weeks, October, as always, is shaping up to be a busy one! Our character value for this month is INDIVIDUALITY defined as: discovering who you’re meant to be so you can make a difference. I hope you continue to use the Core Essentials Values to spark discussions at home that lead to reinforcing what the teachers and staff are sharing about INDIVIDUALITY. Our character trait program is sponsored by Chik fil A and is provided through the generosity of our JES PTO.

 CogAT and ITBS Testing for 2nd and 4th Grades
On the 6th, 7th, and 8th of this month our second and fourth graders will be taking the CogAT test. The Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) measures students’ learned reasoning abilities in the three areas most linked to academic success in school: Verbal, Quantitative and Nonverbal. On OCTOBER 19th, 20th,, 21st and 22st  both second and fourth grades will be taking the Iowa Test of Basic Skills or ITBS. Although the CogAT’s primary goal is to assess students’ reasoning abilities, it can also provide predicted achievement scores when administered with The Iowa Tests.
     There is no special preparation you need to do at home for these tests. What you can do to help your student is make sure they are rested and present at school on time these days. Check your calendar and make sure that you have not scheduled doctor appointments during the mornings on these dates. Testing will take place as early as possible while the students are fresh.

 RED RIBBON WEEK  October 26th-30th

 Red Ribbon Week will be celebrated the last week in October. This is a district wide drug awareness celebration. Please take advantage of this opportunity to talk with your children about the dangers of drug abuse. We will be emphasizing making good decisions. It’s never too soon or too late to share your thoughts about this important matter.

 Recently, I learned about a website that supports parents who have children with learning and attention issues. is an excellent resource! When you go to the website, I recommend visiting the tab labeled Your Parent Toolkit. The information is research based and gives parents ideas of how to work with the child’s strengths and support their self-esteem. There also is a section about parent support. The website is for helping your child at school, home and community. If you access this website, let me know what you think.

If I can assist you in any way, please contact me.

Kindest regards, 
Ziba Johnston
817 949 4500

Friday, August 28, 2015

Dear JES families and friends,
WELCOME New and Returning DRAGONS!
There are so many fun activities going on in our classrooms as our students return to school. We are happy to welcome your children whether they are returning students or brand new Dragons.  I hope that you have had a wonderful summer! We are back in full swing here at Johnson!

 Core Essentials - Thank you PTO!
Our character trait for August is WISDOM defined as finding out what to do and doing it. Our JES PTO is sponsoring our Core Essentials program again this year. If you are interested in more information about our character education program go to .  Our September character trait is INITIATIVE – Seeing what needs to be done and doing it. Discussing these character values at home reinforces their importance.  When we work together at school and at home great things are possible.

 It is not unusual for students to be tired and “out of sorts” the first few weeks of school. The change in their sleep and meal routines alone may cause some stress and then when you add on the expectations of school - it is understandable that most children will react. If problems persist or are more extreme than you feel is typical for your child, talk with your child’s teacher and contact me. If I can do anything to help you or your student, please let me know. You can email me at: 
or call 817 949 4500 to schedule an appointment.

Kindest regards,
Ziba Johnston
JES Counselor

Sunday, June 7, 2015


Dear JES family and friends,

Summer has arrived and Texas and I are off for a summer holiday. Tex is spending a lot of time chillin’ in the pool and under the shade of the tree doing what dogs do best. I am looking forward to having more time to read a good book!  

RED4VAN - over $6500 from CISD
Thank you to all who wore RED 4 Van the last day of school and/or contributed toward over $6,500 collected by the CSHS Student Council. The folks in Van, Texas who sustained damage to their school will appreciate the kindness extended to them, as well as the money.

Wearing red for Van!

New Student Registration - August 5th
Although, I will be off for summer break until August 10th, I will be checking my email periodically, if you have an immediate concern. Those who are new to our school district may register on August 5th at the Johnson campus.
  Meet the Teacher is Aug. 21st from 8:30-9:30 a.m.

Enjoy the break and Tex and I look forward to seeing you on Meet the Teacher day in August!

 Kindest regards,

 Ziba Johnston
JES Counselor

Sunday, March 29, 2015


Dear JES family and friends,

Our 4th annual shoe drive for the Buckner Foundation is April 9th! Shoes for Orphan Souls is the largest humanitarian aid project of Buckner International, a global ministry dedicated to making life better for orphans, vulnerable children and families since 1879. Visit the website to find out why shoes are important to hundreds of thousands of needy children. This is a wonderful opportunity for our children to give back. When the new shoes line our hallways it a visual reminder of the importance of sharing what we have with others.
April's Character Trait - PEACE
PEACE is the character value for the month of April. The definition proving you care more about each other than winning an argument.

Kindergarten Preview at JES is happening on April the 23rd  from 5-6:15. This is an opportunity for prospective kindergartners to visit the classrooms at Johnson Elementary and meet the teachers and staff.  If you have a child who will be five years old by September 1st, 2015, plan on visiting this fun event. Be sure and tell your neighbors and friends about our Preview, too. We invite all eligible kindergarteners and their parents to come!
As always, if I can assist you in any way, please call.

Kindest regards,

 Ziba Johnston
JES Counselor

Monday, January 19, 2015


Dear JES family and friends,

Happy New Year! Welcome back and a special welcome to all of our new families. We are happy to welcome seven new JES Dragons along with their families. It is a challenge to move during the school year. I hope you will make them feel welcome and include them in activities that will help them get involved in our school and community.

Thank you for your generosity throughout the holiday season. Our Angel Tree program is a blessing to many of our families. It is such a joy to be a part of it! Our Johnson families are kind and generous beyond measure. Even in these times when no one’s money seems to stretch as far as it has in the past, our families showed great concern and care in making sure that the children in the JES family had a nice holiday.


There has been interest expressed in having Love and Logic Parenting classes. If you are interested in attending classes, please contact me via email at . For more information about the Love and Logic philosophy visit .  Look for more information in the coming weeks about a class forming.

 Our character trait for January is COMMITMENT: making a plan and putting it into practice. We will be discussing the meaning of commitment and what that looks like during our guidance lessons and announcements this month. I hope you will take time to talk with your child about the benefits of COMMITMENT. Your children are looking and listening to you, more than you know.

As always, if I can assist you in any way, please contact me.

 Kind regards,

Ziba Johnston - Mrs. J
JES Counselor