Thank you to all of the Johnson Family for your contribution toward our Compassion Countdown providing a gift for our custodians and cafeteria ladies. The total contribution collected was $1,312. On the last Thursday before the Winter Break, the fourth grade Ambassadors of Kindness presented handmade cards and Walmart gift cards in appreciation for all these staff members do for our school toward keeping us healthy! We honor and acknowledge them for their service!
Core Essential character trait for January is SELF-CONTROL defined as choosing to do what you
should even when you don’t want to . When thinking about what are the most
important skills to teach a child, we think of reading and writing and of
course math and then there is science and social studies. But, perhaps one of
the most valuable skills a child needs to develop is SELF-CONTROL. There is
research that shows that a person’s ability to practice self-control is a
predictor of future success. We will be emphasizing the value of SELF-CONTROL all
this month.
Health and Wellness are the district's focus for January. Here is the link to the
district newsletter. Visit the link to learn more…
DIAMONDS Incentive Program
Dragon Diamonds incentive program provided by our generous PTO continues this
year! Dragon Diamonds are rewarded to those students who do acts of kindness “above
and beyond” every day courtesy. All eyes are looking for acts of kindness!!! A
teacher incentive has been added to the rewards. Each Friday five students’
names are drawn from the collection of Dragon Diamond slips in each grade to
come to the Friendship Bench and select a prize! From those five winners, one
name is drawn and that student’s teacher (or whoever awarded the slip)will
receive a gift certificate. Let’s work together to help our children know that
we can choose to be kind in all circumstances.
One last thing, I want to share an incredible website that
offers useful parenting articles based on current research. The website is Hey
Sigmund and currently addresses the continuing concern about anxiety in our
Resiliency is also a relevant topic. We are working in the district
to learn how to increase resiliency in our students. I would enjoy hearing what
you think about this website.
always, if I can assist you in any way, please contact me.
Kindest regards,
Kindest regards,
817 949 4500
Elizabeth.Johnston@southlakecarroll.edu817 949 4500