Monday, December 23, 2019

Dear JES family,

I hope this finds you enjoying your Winter Break, having fun family time, and making great memories!

Ambassadors Sharing JES JOY!

The Ambassadors of Kindness presented each cafeteria lady and each custodian a poinsettia, hand made cards,  and a gift card. Thank you to all the students who earned the dollar and contributed to the dollar drive. 

We collected $528 and combined with a donation of $500 from PTO, we were able to give these staff members gift cards for $128.

Thank you, again, from the Ambassadors for contributing to JES JOY to honor these important people at our school!

As always, if I can assist you in anyway, you can reach me at

Happy Holidays and kindest regards,

Ziba Johnston

Helpful link  on Holiday Mindfulness for Kids

Saturday, December 7, 2019

DECEMBER ~ A Time of Sharing


Our traditional Angel Tree that serves the children at Johnson Elementary is up in the office. Angels are still available! For over thirty years, the Johnson school family has provided holiday gifts for our own families who could use a little help. I hope that you and your child will choose an angel and make this act of kindness a family project. The JES family is so generous and never ceases to be amazing.

Spreading JES Joy!!!

The Fourth Grade AMBASSADORS of KINDNESS are leading a dollar drive to provide gift cards for the Custodians and Cafeteria ladies sharing JES JOY! Each student is challenged to earn a dollar to turn in to their teacher next week. The money will be used to purchase a gift and gift card. If every student contributes a dollar it will be a generous gift. Turn in your contribution by Friday! The gifts will be presented during fourth grade lunch.

December's character trait is JOY!

If I can assist you in any way, you can reach me at 817 949 4500 or at

Have a wonderful winter break! 

Kindest regards,
Ziba Johnston

Link to CISD Mental Health and Wellness monthly newsletter.