Thursday, March 19, 2020


Dear JES family and friends,

Did you EVER dream you would have an extended Spring Break? What an unexpected surprise for students, teachers, parents ... really everyone! Some of us enjoy surprises, but some of us do NOT.  So it is a bit upsetting when we don't really know when we are going back to school. As of today, the return to school date is set for April 6th.

Until we are back at school, let's use technology to keep us together while we learn. We can do this!!! We are strong, we are smart, we are JES!!!

This week we want to focus on taking care of ourselves. We want to avoid contact with people who are sick or might be exposed to the coronavirus. We are staying at home away from others. 

Here are some other ideas for your family:

  • Wash your hands for 20 seconds (which seems like a long time)
  • Cover your mouth with your sleeve when you cough
  • Eat a healthy diet
  • Get plenty of rest
  • Got lots of exercise (take your dog for a walk or go on a bike ride)
  • Read a book
  • Do some writing - write a note to someone you can't see right now
  • Be creative - enjoy art activities or have a dance party
Your parents need you to do your part ~ especially during this unusual time. 

This month's lesson on Forgiveness will be sent to you through the Core Essentials link from your teacher. Look for the lessons and videos sent home.

If you would like to schedule a phone call or a counseling session during this time, please email me at .

Kindest regards and a long distance hug to your student,

Mrs. Johnston
@JES Counselor

Wednesday, March 4, 2020


This month our focus is on FORGIVENESS defined 
as deciding that someone who has wronged you doesn't have to pay! We will be discussing how you would feel if      others quickly forgave you when you made a mistake.