Sunday, December 5, 2021

Dear JES Family and Friends,

December with a Focus on Service

Our character trait for this month is SERVICE - lending a hand to help someone else. We are giving our students the challenge of earning a dollar to give toward a gift for our cafeteria ladies and our custodians. We are calling our outreach project JES Super Servers Dollar Drive. Our Ambassadors of Kindness will be visiting each classroom to talk with the students about our dollar drive. Please help us by helping your child earn a dollar to share.

JES Angel Tree Update - all of our angels have been chosen! Thank you for your generosity. All of the children associated with Johnson will have gifts during the winter holiday because of your kindness. The wrapped gifts are due back on December 6th.

If you are interested in other opportunities for service at JES, consider getting involved in The Gifting Project. There is more information and a sign-up genius on the J-List.

The Value of Service for Students 

The definition of serving others is where we show love and kindness to everyone. It means you are doing something primarily for the benefit and goodwill of another person or group of people. When we serve, we look outside of ourselves beyond our own problems and seek to bring value to others. Studies save shown that there are mental and physical health benefits to serving, like reducing depression, lowering blood pressure, and lengthening your lifespan. Putting other peoples' needs before your own also strengthens your relationships. The holiday season is a great time to extend service to others. This can be done through donations to local food banks, shelters, and non-profit organizations that support those in need. Donating time to feed the homeless or to participate in a program that supports a  cause that you may want to promote is very helpful. A mentorship is also a valuable form of service that can inspire and empower the next generation of contributors.

The importance of community service lies in the fact that it connects us to the community by improving it and making it a better place for all of us to live in. Here are some other ways that community service can be beneficial:

    *Provides you with the chance to improve skills important for workplace, such as communication and organizational skills, teamwork, planning, problem-solving, and task management.

    *It's a perfect opportunity to become closer to the community you live in.

    *Community service broadens your horizons by helping you understand the needs of the society and the population you are trying to help through the project you are volunteering on.

    *An easy way to make friends is through activities you perform together. Not only would you be helping the ones in need, but you would also be able to meet some other volunteers.

    *Opportunity to receive work-related knowledge and skills

    *Opportunity to create a good reference for potential employers.

If you are looking for an opportunity to help out the ones in need, improve your community, and acquire new knowledge and skills, consider performing community work. Habitat for Humanity is one of many local non-profits that you can look into. They offer a wide variety of volunteer opportunities depending on your time and preferences.

Thank you for all you do to make Johnson the wonderful, caring, and kind place that it is. I am honored to work with such dedicated teachers and staff who have the welfare of the children constantly at the forefront of their thoughts.

Have a wonderful December and winter break!

As always, if I can help in any way, please let me know.

Ziba Johnston

JES Counselor

817 949 4500


Sunday, November 14, 2021

Dear JES Family and Friends,

NOVEMBER'S CORE ESSENTIALS CHARACTER TRAIT: CONTENTMENT - Learning to be okay with what you have. Contentment is the state of being happy and satisfied. On Thanksgiving when you think about all you are grateful for, hopefully, you feel a sense of contentment. Contentment isn't an exciting kind of happiness, it's more like peaceful ease of mind. It's being satisfied with what you have, whatever that is.

Ways you can practice contentment:

Tell each family member why they make you happy.

Write a letter to someone who makes you happy.

Ask a friend to share something that makes them happy.

The Evolution from "Guidance Counselor 
                       to "School Counselor"

CISD Counselors want you to know that we follow a Comprehensive Plan that is mandated by Texas Education Agency. Carroll ISD provides a comprehensive school counseling program that promotes the academic and social/emotional growth of all students. Building on a Dragon tradition of excellence, the Carroll Independent School District will foster a safe, caring, and creative learning environment that inspires students to realize their full potential as they positively influence the world around them. School counselors work closely with administrators, teachers, parents, and the community to support the CISD mission and accomplish goals with a focus on academic success, college/career information, and personal/social development.
Guidance Education
Lessons on a variety of topics; large-group consultations with students to help students develop their full educational potential.
Responsive Services
Individual counseling sessions; parent and student consultation regarding planning and goal-setting.
System Support
Community outreach, parent education programs; teacher consultation. school improvement planning.
Historically, the term "guidance counselor" was used to reference counselors working within the school system. These counselors' main role was to "guide" students to college: writing letters of recommendation and sending out transcripts. However, this role has evolved from a focus on post-graduation planning and administrative support to today's focus on embracing a comprehensive approach to optimize student outcomes in much more than just college planning. Focus areas include emotional support, family support, social development, academic guidance, and career planning. School counselors are now strong, collaborative members of an educational team to today's focus on embracing a comprehensive approach to optimize student outcomes.

I hope you have a wonderful season of thanksgiving that leads to greater contentment.
If you would like to request a meeting or if I can be of assistance to you or your student in any way, please reach out to me.

Kindest regards,
Elizabeth Johnston
817 949 4500

Sunday, October 3, 2021

Dear JES Family and Friends,

 WOW! October is a BUSY month! There is always a lot of activity at school, but October is an especially busy month with testing for fourth graders and Red Ribbon Week! So let's get started unpacking the month!

INDIVIDUALITY ~ discovering who you are meant to be

Our character trait for the month is INDIVIDUALITY defined as discovering who you are meant to be. We will be talking about how each person makes a difference. Some of us will discover a cure for cancer(I hope) and some of us will defend those oppressed and some of us will teach children. Whatever we do as children and adults, we impact the people around us. Whether it is smiling at the bus driver, giving a parent a hug, letting that car trying to merge into the flow, each one of us makes a difference. We will be talking in counseling lessons about how we can individually impact the world around us. 

I hope parents will view the Family Ezine sent from your classroom teacher at the first of each month to learn more about what we are discussing related to our monthly character traits.

For Four Grade Parents

As I am sure you are aware, but as a reminder, CogAT and ITBS testing will be taking place this month. The Cognitive Abilities Test which measures a child's reasoning ability will be administered on October 6th. The ITBS or Iowa Test of Basic Skills will be administered on October 19th and 20th. The ITBS evaluates what the student has learned or achieved.

Some parents ask what you can do to help prepare your child for testing. Make sure your child is rested, has a good breakfast, and arrives at school on time. These may seem like small things, but they make the biggest difference. Then the student will do the rest! If you have any questions about testing, please let me know.

DRAGONS GO BLUE! - October 13th

October is National Bully Prevention Month and National Stop Bullying Day is Wednesday, October 13th. This is the day that we encourage Dragons to Go Blue by wearing blue district-wide in support of Bully Preventions.

Click for more information.

RED RIBBON WEEK - October 25th-29th!  

Carroll ISD's mission to keep students free from drugs includes teaching them how to resist peer influences, improve life skills, involving families, and providing opportunities to become involved in positive experiences with others in the school and community. Our lessons will address self-control, emotional awareness, communication skills, and social problem-solving skills.

The Red Ribbon Campaign® is the oldest and largest drug prevention program in the nation reaching millions of young people during Red Ribbon Week®. Red Ribbon Week is an alcohol, tobacco, and other drug and violence prevention awareness campaign observed annually in October in the United States. This year Red Ribbon Week® will take place October 25th through the 29th.

Our focus at JES will be I Believe in Me! Happy, Healthy & Drugfree! We will be promoting making healthy choices and doing the right thing! Watch for ways to participate each day during the week of October 25th through the 29!

As always, if I can be of assistance, please let me know at ziba.johnston@southlakecarroll or 817 9494500.

Kind regards,


Elizabeth Johnston

JES Counselor

Sunday, August 29, 2021

INITIATIVE - September's Character Trait

 Dear Johnson Family and Friends,

We continue to welcome everyone back to school! What a successful start we have had to the beginning of the school year! We want parents and students both to feel comfortable at school. Let me know if I can help.



Thank you to our PTO for having a back-to-school rally for our students! A special thanks to Melissa Moore and Anahita Hubbard and the PTO parents who decorated the auditorium. Thanks to Charlie the Dragon for making an appearance! The focus of the rally was on kicking off the Dragon Diamonds program to support kindness. Our Dragon Diamonds program acknowledges acts of kindness with a slip of paper (a Dragon Diamond)which goes into a weekly drawing for a chance to select a prize promoting kindness on our campus. We recited the Dragons Code and heard a story about how it only takes one person to make a difference. The lines of the story were "one seed to start a garden, one drop of water to start an ocean, one step to begin a journey, and one act of kindness to make a difference". Our kindness theme for this year is "I am a difference maker!"

September's Core Essentials Character Trait Is Initiative
Taking initiative is doing the right thing without being told. Students who take initiative are self-starters, proactive, and are persistent in overcoming difficulties that arise in pursuit of a goal. Showing initiative can be a scary and exciting experience. The more you put yourself out there, the more chances you have of getting better grades, making friends, or earning trust with teachers. Furthermore, showing initiative early in life can help forge leadership skills and other talents as you grow and adapt.

How do students show initiative at school? Getting involved in classroom discussions, asking and answering posed questions, putting forth extra effort into projects or homework, and making sure to engage in school activities and service projects is a great way to show initiative in school.

Identifying Our Strengths In Order To Build Success!

We believe that inside each person is a contribution waiting to be made. Gallop studies reveal that each of us has patterns in the way we think, feel, and behave. We are born with these patterns and when we feed them with skills and knowledge, they grow even stronger, and we can rely on them during times of need.

If there is anything I can do to help, please reach out to me at 817 949 4500.
Kindest regards,
Ziba Johnston
JES Counselor                                                                                    

Sunday, August 22, 2021

 Dear JES Family and Friends,

Welcome Back to School DRAGONS!!! We are so excited to greet your student at school each day! Together we will make this a wonderful year. It is also great to have parents back in the building whether it is to volunteer or to assist your young one to class. We are so happy to have an open campus.

Surviving the first full week of school - Next week begins the first full days of school at JES. It is a special time. Time to get back on schedule, waking the children up and eating a hurried breakfast, finding the right outfit and making it to the bus or to the car drop-off line on time, completing homework, and rushing off to after-school activities. Focus on the morning routine. Give yourself some extra time until the new routine is established.

You can expect your child to be tired in the afternoon. This is totally normal. We will build our stamina as the weeks go by.

If I can help in any way, please don't hesitate to reach out.

Kindest regards,

Ziba Johnston

JES Counselor

817 797 4500

Tuesday, June 1, 2021

 Dear JES Family and Friends,

The end of this unusual school year is here! Who would have ever believed that we would have a school year where children and staff wore masks and children sat behind a protective shield? It all sounds so foreign and I am looking forward to a return in August with all of the precautious set-aside. 

I hope you have rest and relaxation in your plans for the summer! Both staff and students deserve some downtime to recalibrate and get reenergized for a new school year. Remember to encourage your students to read, read, read this summer! Reviewing those math facts will be important too! Learning is fun and we can help our students by making it a fun time spent together.

Have a Joyful June and a wonderful summer break! I look forward to seeing you in August!

Kind regards,

Ziba Johnston

817 949 4500

Saturday, April 17, 2021

 Dear JES Family and Friends,

Our character trait for April is PEACE 

As we begin to have warmer weather and play on the playground more it is important for our students to work toward playing peacefully. Our definition of peace is proving you care more about each other than winning an argument. Teaching our children to listen to their classmates and respond with the golden rule in mind is good practice.

Here are some great suggestions to have some fun and get exercise.
A Big Thank You!
It is hard to find words that adequately express how much I appreciate all of your kind wishes, prayers, cards, flowers, and gifts. I am working on getting well, gaining strength to prepare for the next step of my treatment. Please continue to pray that I would return to wellness so I can get back to school in August. Again, thank you for all of your kindness during this challenging time.

Kindest regards,
Ziba Johnston

Sunday, January 31, 2021

February's Character Trait - KINDNESS

 Dear JES Family and Friends,

Our character trait for the month is KINDNESS which is defined as showing others they are valuable by how you treat them. Although there is a focus on kindness every month at JES, we will be talking about the difference that being kind can make to everyone around us. The good news is that it doesn't cost anything! We can show kindness with our words and our actions on a daily basis. It only takes a smile to make a difference in someone's day. We never know where our act of kindness will go in a chain reaction of goodwill.

Dragon Diamonds Kindness Incentives

Each day at JES acts of kindness are acknowledged by the teachers and staff. Students are given a Diamond Dragon slip of paper rewarding them for an act of kindness beyond the usual. An example is comforting a student who is upset or holding the door outside for all of the grade level to come into the building. 

Each Friday, there is a live drawing during morning announcements and one lucky student is selected from each grade to come to the Friendship Bench and choose a prize. The whole campus is bubbling with excited anticipation in hopes of being selected. We have thousands of slips on display representing many acts of kindness around our campus. This program is supported by the JES PTO who makes it possible. Thank you JES PTO and Audra Snead! We strive to acknowledge and reward acts of kindness - both big and small.

February's Outreach Act of Kindness

Our students will be making cards and table centerpieces for a local assisted living facility during art class. Thank you, Mrs. Katie Campbell, for helping with this opportunity for the students to do something kind for our Senior citizens.

If I can help in any way, please don't hesitate to reach out.

Happy Valentine's Day!

Ziba Johnston


817 949 4500

Sunday, January 10, 2021

WELCOME BACK to School in the New Year 2021!

Dear JES family and friends,
We are happy to be back and see the children's smiling eyes whether at school or virtually. We also have many new students at JES! I want to share a special welcome to each of their families. 

Check out this calendar of simple ideas to nurture happiness this month.

RESPONSIBILITY is our character trait for January. Our definition is proving you can be trusted with what is expected of you. The students will be seeing videos and having discussions about responsibility with their classmates. We will share stories about developing responsibility and why it is an important character trait.

Project Gratitude - Thanks to the hard work of our students and the generosity of their families we were able to give our custodians and cafeteria ladies a gift and gift card before they left for winter break. Thank you for your kind generosity.

If I can help you in any way, please feel free to reach out to me at ZIBA.JOHNSTON@SOUTHLAKECARROLL.EDU OR 817 949 4500.