Tuesday, June 1, 2021

 Dear JES Family and Friends,

The end of this unusual school year is here! Who would have ever believed that we would have a school year where children and staff wore masks and children sat behind a protective shield? It all sounds so foreign and I am looking forward to a return in August with all of the precautious set-aside. 

I hope you have rest and relaxation in your plans for the summer! Both staff and students deserve some downtime to recalibrate and get reenergized for a new school year. Remember to encourage your students to read, read, read this summer! Reviewing those math facts will be important too! Learning is fun and we can help our students by making it a fun time spent together.

Have a Joyful June and a wonderful summer break! I look forward to seeing you in August!

Kind regards,

Ziba Johnston

817 949 4500
