Dear JES Family and Friends,
Our Core Essential definition is working together to do more than you do alone. Demonstrating good cooperation is being a person who understands that the good of the group is more important than the good of the one. Learning how to cooperate will help with success in school, in relationships with friends, and in life overall. Listening carefully to others is the first step in demonstrating cooperation. It is essential to remember that cooperation is a basic life skill that assists us in working together so that collaboration and creativity will ultimately bring about success.
Cooperation is an important value. To have real cooperation at school everyone needs to follow the school rules. These expectations have been put into place to keep everyone in the school community safe and cared for.
- Excellence (everyone trying hard to do their best in everything)
- Integrity (which is about honesty in the way we act and speak)
- Respect (for ourselves, others, and property)
- Responsibility (for ourselves, our belongings, and our actions)