Monday, June 17, 2013


Dear JES family and friends,

Summer has arrived and we all welcome the break in the school routine. It is important to take time to focus on something different - including a little rest and a lot of fun! Hopefully, the summertime activities include reading with your children and structuring time for your child to read alone. The city library is brimming with great materials, if you get restless!

Transitioning to summer break can be a challenge. The lack of structure and routine can cause grumpiness. Even old Texas dog looks at me wondering if today is his school day. Moodiness is normal and usually eases up as the summer takes on its own routine as long as the time isn’t filled with “screen time”. The Academy of Pediatrics recommends limiting combined screen time to no more than two hours per day for school aged children. Although some screen time can be educational, it is easy to go overboard. There is an informative article from the Mayo Clinic about the effects at

I will be back on campus after August 12th. If you have a question or need before then, I can be reached through email at

Have a restful summer!
Kindest regards,
 Ziba Johnston