Friday, December 5, 2014

Angels of Generosity

Dear JES family and friends,

December's Character Value - GENEROSITY

What a perfect time of year to talk about the character trait: Generosity. Our Core Essentials definition is making someone’s day by giving something away. In talking with our students it is evident that they know quit a bit about generosity both as givers and receivers.


Our emphasis this month will be on the benefits that we all receive as we practice giving. On that note, there are many opportunities for generosity right here at JES!  In the JES office there is an Angel Tree for students and staff member’s children. Choosing an angel is a wonderful opportunity for our students to recognize the needs that others may have during the holiday season. Thank you to all who have chosen an angel. Your wrapped, labeled Angel Tree gift should be returned to the JES office by Friday, December 12th. It is amazing when we work together what we can do to help others!

Another opportunity for generosity is our traditional Holiday Act of Kindness for December - to collect a dollar from each student and staff member to purchase gift baskets for our Custodians and Cafeteria staff. We will be collecting money December 9th - 12th. The baskets will have holiday food items and a gift card to make purchases for their holiday meal. Of course, we will accept any additional contributions as well. There are 8 food baskets to fill. Thank you ahead of time for your generosity!
A high five goes out to the JES Choir students for collecting money for the Buckner Children’s Home. The children lead us in wonderful ways along with help from their tireless leader Becky Sewell. Great job!

The winter holiday can be stressful for children as well as their parents. Take time to care for your child’s needs for a healthy diet, rest, and exercise. And remember that your love, your time, and undivided attention are the greatest gifts that any child can receive. In the classroom, your children tell me that the best thing that we have to share is love. They are very wise.

 As always, if I can assist you in any way, please call.

Kindest regards,

Ziba Johnston/Mrs. J
JES Counselor

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