Saturday, April 1, 2017

ONE DAY WITHOUT SHOES Shoe Drive April 11th

Dear JES family and friends,

How perfect that our character trait for April is HUMILITY! With One Day Without Shoes, we give our children the experience of what it would be like to not have shoes. At the same time they are given the opportunity to give to others in need.

One pair of shoes for a child can gain them entry to school, keep them healthy, protect them from injury, and most of all give them the assurance that someone cares about them. On April 11th, we will be going shoeless (we will be wearing socks) at school to bring attention to the needs of children around the world who miss opportunities in life because they do not have shoes. Send in a new pair of shoes to donate to Shoes for Orphan Souls on April 11th. For more information about where the shoes will go visit the Shoes for Orphan Souls website at


 Our April character trait HUMILTY is defined as “putting others first by giving up with you think you deserve”. Our shoe drive will be a wonderful opportunity to discuss humility at school and at home.
An Informational Meeting for Fourth Grade Parents is on Wednesday, April 5th at 8:00 AM in the JES Library. Transition to fifth grade can be a challenge. Attending the orientation meeting can ease some of the anxiety by answering many of your questions about procedures, the schedules, and the “always challenging” lockers!  
ORIENTATION for our fourth graders going to Durham Intermediate next fall is on May 16th. All fourth graders will travel to Durham Intermediate School by bus for an informational talk by the DIS administrators and a tour of the campus.


On April 20 at 5PM, all new incoming Kindergartners are invited to come to school for a peek at what is coming in August. This is an informative meeting for the parents and an opportunity for your child to visit the Kindergarten class rooms. We look forward to meeting you and your child!
Upcoming STAAR Testing
STAAR testing continues next month. Third and fourth grade students will be testing on May 8thth and 9th.  Our students are well prepared. The most important thing that parents can do is make sure your child is rested, well fed, and in attendance on time for testing days. Thank you for your help.

As always, if I can assist you in any way, please call.

Kindest regards,

Ziba Johnston
JES Counselor

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