Sunday, February 4, 2018

KINDNESS - February's Character Trait

Dear JES family and friends,

Our character trait for February is KINDNESS defined as showing others they are valuable by how you treat them. When thinking about the most important skills to teach a child, we think of reading and writing and of course math and then there is science and social studies which is important too. But, perhaps one of the most valuable skills a child learns at school is to be kind to their peers. We will be focusing on the value of KINDNESS all this month.

 The finale of the  Kindness Rally featuring the Morris Brothers. 
We started the second semester with a KINDNESS RALLY to reemphasize the importance of being kind at school and in the community. The Morris Brothers came for an assembly to talk to the student body about being a super hero by treating others with respect and standing up when others are in need. The Morris Brothers also reminded the children to keep up the good work and earn Dragon Diamonds.

The Dragon Diamonds incentive program provided by our generous PTO has issued an extra incentive! Dragon Diamonds will be rewarded to those students who do acts of kindness “above and beyond” every day courtesy. All eyes are looking for acts of kindness!!! As Coach McDade said to the children, they are challenged to "step up and take our acts of kindness to the next level."

A teacher incentive has been added to the rewards. Each Friday five students’ names are drawn from the collection of Dragon Diamond slips in each grade. The winner comes to the Friendship Bench to select a prize reward! From those five winners, one name is drawn and that student’s teacher (or whoever awarded the slip)will receive a gift certificate. Let’s work together to help our children know that we can choose to be kind in all circumstances.
Thank you to our PTO and all the parents and staff who support it!

Parenting Support
One last thing, I want to share a helpful website that offers useful parenting articles based on current research. The website is Hey Sigmund and currently addresses the continuing concern about anxiety in our children. Resiliency is also a relevant topic that is addressed. We are working in the district to learn how to increase resiliency in our students. I would enjoy hearing what you think about this website.

As always, if I can assist you in any way, please call.

Kindest regards,

JES Counselor
817 949 4500
Visit the K-6 Counselors' newsletter DRAGON's BREATH at

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