Tuesday, January 4, 2022

 Dear JES Family and Friends,

Welcome Back from Winter Break! Happy New Year! The children seem excited to be back at school after a long winter's vacation. It is SO good to see everyone! We look forward to the next few months of intense focus and learning. It is a great time of year to set new goals and work toward them. Goals that are written down are much more likely to be achieved.

As you set your mind on 2022, maybe you can set some intentions for the days ahead. Intentions are great as they guide our actions and provide us a sense of clarity on how we want to go about reaching our goals. If intentions are new for you, maybe try tomorrow morning by setting an intention for the day ahead. Consider how you want to feel at the end of the day. Joyful? Productive? Kind? Write your intention somewhere so that you will be reminded throughout the day. If you begin to lose focus, don't give up, just move in a direction to get back on track. Let your intention encourage and ground you. Remember to be kind to yourself in 2022 and let your light shine. 

SELF-CONTROL - choosing to do what you should even when you don't want to.               SELF-CONTROL is our character trait for January. We will be tying self-control and goal setting together in our lesson this month. This is a great character trait to consider with all ages.

No matter what your age we can choose to do what we should even when we don't want to. This works when thinking about making New Years's Resolutions. Sometimes our goals may be hard to stick to, but we must practice self-control in hopes that we will reach our dreams!

What is the key to health, wealth, and success?  Many students want to know. Provide students with knowledge and experiences that will help make them well-rounded, informed, and critically thinking adults. We can teach them about self-control.

What is self-control? Self-control is the capacity to override an impulse in order to respond appropriately.

Self-control has three main parts:

    *Monitoring involves keeping track of your thoughts, feelings, and actions.

    *Standards are guidelines that steer us toward desirable responses. Our standards originate from society and culture.

    *Strength refers to the energy we need to control our impulses. Numerous factors affect our self-control strength, such as mental exhaustion and stress.


Thank you for your support for the Super Servers Dollar Drive. Over $1300 was collected from students and staff and the PTO added in $400 to make a grand total of over $1700. The Ambassadors of Kindness presented a small gift, handmade cards, and gift cards to the cafeteria ladies and custodians during fourth-grade lunch before we left for break. They were so appreciative and impressed that the children made the cards and earned the money.

If I can help in any way, please reach out to me at Ziba.Johnston@southlakecarroll.edu

Kindest regards,


JES Counselor

817 949 4500

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