Sunday, September 30, 2018

OCTOBER - Contentment

Dear JES Family and Friends,

October as always is shaping up to be a busy one! Our character value for this month is CONTENTMENT defined as: Deciding to be happy with what you have.  I hope you continue to use the Core Essentials Values to spark conversations at home. When we work together, school and home, we can do amazing things!


On October 1st we celebrate World Day of Bullying Prevention. All throughout Dragon Country, we ask that everyone wear blue to bring awareness to the issue of bullying. We will be participating in activities that raise awareness of being kind and standing up for others throughout the month. Around the district we are awakening Rachel's Challenge in an effort to address bullying and the power of one to create a chain reaction of kindness. For more information visit  At the K-4th grade level we discuss Rachel as a girl who was a role model for being kind, including and standing up for others. Ask your child about signing the banner pledging to be kind.

COGAT and ITBS for 4th Grade

On the 2nd of this month our fourth graders will be taking the CogAT test. The Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) measures students’ learned reasoning abilities in the three areas most linked to academic success in school: Verbal, Quantitative and Nonverbal. On October16th and 17th our fourth graders will be taking the Iowa Test of Basic Skills or ITBS. Although the primary goal of CogAT is to assess students’ reasoning abilities, it can also provide predicted achievement scores when administered with the Iowa tests.

There is no special preparation you need to do at home for these tests. What you can do to help your student is make sure they are rested, well fed, and present at school on time on testing days. Please check your calendar and make sure that you have not scheduled doctor appointments during these mornings.

A parent letter went home a few weeks ago about the upcoming tests that should address any questions you might have about the actual test and its purpose.   Of course, as always, if you have additional questions, please contact me at or

Red Ribbon Week October 22nd – 26th 
This is a district wide drug awareness celebration.  We will kick off the week with a fun theme for each day! Watch for information on the daily themes. Southlake Fire Department and Police will be dropping by for a safety lesson. The benefits of leading a healthy lifestyle will be our emphasis. Please take advantage of this opportunity to talk with your children about making good decisions. It’s never too soon to start that

Back to Back to Back Compassions Cup Champions!

Congratulations to the most generous school family!!!! You are amazing! A THREE PEAT! What an achievement for our campus. There is no higher honor that we could receive than to be recognized as the most compassionate school in CISD!

Way to go JES!    

Kind regards,

Ziba Johnston
JES Counselor                              

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